Undoubtedly, learning foreign languages improves memory, teaches you to make quick decisions, and teaches you discipline and planning. Thus, regular learning of languages forces the brain to strain and work constantly, which is very useful for the human body. This hobby will help you not only visit many foreign portals and sites where you can learn a lot of new and interesting things but also enthusiastically read the original works of world classics, watch films and listen to favorite music without translation, and communicate with people all over the world thanks to the Internet.
One of the most effective methods of memorizing facts, dates and foreign words is anki flashcards from the AnkiPRO application. When your head is swollen with new data and you don’t know how to assimilate it, cards come to the rescue.
Why Are Electronic Decks with Flashcards So Useful?
Proficiency in foreign languages provides a significant advantage when applying for a job in a large company. However, sometimes simply cramming words gets boring. In fact, cramming is the repeated repetition out loud of information that needs to be reproduced in the future. During cramming, there is not even talk about connecting imagination, visual memory, logical thinking and other powerful mechanisms of our memory.
Vocabulary flashcards are a surprisingly simple and effective method for memorizing new words. On one side of the card you read a new word, and on the other, there’s its definition or translation into your native language. By using the AnkiPRO flashcards, you can click on the card, look at the word and try to remember what is written on the other side. This old, time-tested method works great. The more you practice, the better your memory becomes and the easier and more firmly you remember new words. By combining flashcards with other methods of learning vocabulary, you can achieve excellent results.
Benefits of Anki Pro
For a start, Anki Pro flashcards is a service that will assist foreign language learners in studying effectively using Anki flashcards. The application is based on Anki’s advanced spaced repetition software. So, it helps app users get the most out of learning new material. By means of this program, you can easily synchronize your language study progress between your smartphone, tablet and PC using the web version. The program works on two principles of effective studying, which together form a powerful combo:
- spaced repetition;
- active recall.
Unlike other ways to learn new words, the effective program regularly picks up old flashcards and reminds you when it’s time to review them. This is a very important function: the fact is that often it is not enough for us to repeat a word just once or twice in order to remember it well. It’s important to mention that when we purposefully learn flashcards, they are learned both receptively (when we understand a word by seeing or hearing it) and productively (when we can remember the word on the fly to use it in speech or writing).
To give your brain a workout, this service allows you to make double-sided cards. So, on the front side, there is a translation of a word in your native language or a picture, and on the back, there is the desired word in the language you are learning. First, we look at the front side, tense up and only then turn it over and check ourselves. The effort that we make to finally get the right word out of memory is the key to remembering words well and for a long time.
Bottom Line
Knowing a foreign language is extremely convenient. The thing is that it opens up new horizons and expands opportunities, even if you sit at home within four walls. In addition to the obvious benefits of such skills, there are also additional opportunities, for example, turning your favorite hobby into a source of income. With the modern application AnkiPRO, learning a foreign language will become even more fun and effective.