Divorce is rarely an amicable process. Even couples who enter the process with mutual respect and a desire for a smooth dissolution of their marriage can encounter disagreements over the terms of their separation. While some couples are able to work through these disagreements collaboratively, others find themselves at an impasse, unsure of how to move forward. If you and your spouse are struggling to reach an agreement on the terms of your divorce, consulting a divorce lawyer can help you discover your options.

The Importance of Reaching an Agreement

While it’s understandable to experience friction during divorce negotiations, reaching a mutually agreeable settlement is generally preferable to contested litigation. An uncontested divorce, where both spouses agree on all terms, is typically faster, less expensive, and less emotionally draining than a court battle. 

Here’s why aiming for an agreement can benefit you:

  • Reduced Cost: Litigation can be a significant financial burden. Attorney fees, court costs, and the time commitment involved can be substantial. Reaching an agreement outside of court allows you to avoid these expenses and save valuable resources.
  • Faster Resolution: Contested divorces can drag on for months or even years, creating prolonged uncertainty and emotional strain. An agreed-upon settlement can expedite the divorce process, allowing you to move forward with your life sooner.
  • Greater Control: When you and your spouse reach an agreement, you have more control over the final outcome. You can tailor the terms of your divorce to fit your specific needs and circumstances, rather than leaving them in the hands of a judge.
  • Reduced Conflict: Litigation can exacerbate existing tensions and create animosity between spouses. Reaching an agreement through negotiation allows you to focus on resolving issues constructively and preserving a more amicable relationship, especially if children are involved.

Common Areas of Disagreement in Divorce

While every divorce is unique, some issues commonly lead to disagreements:

Child Custody and Support

Decisions regarding child custody arrangements, visitation schedules, and financial support for the children can be contentious, especially when parents have differing parenting philosophies or significant income disparity.

Spousal Support (Alimony)

Whether spousal support is awarded, and if so, the amount and duration, can be a point of contention. Factors like the length of the marriage, the earning capacity of each spouse, and the standard of living during the marriage all influence this decision.

Property Division

Dividing marital assets and debts equitably can be complex, particularly when dealing with high-value assets, inherited property, or businesses.

Negotiation Strategies When Reaching an Agreement

Even if you and your spouse are initially far apart on certain issues, there are strategies that can help facilitate agreement:

Open Communication

Maintain open and honest communication with your spouse, even if it’s difficult. This allows you to understand each other’s needs and concerns and work towards finding common ground.

Willingness to Compromise 

Both spouses need to be willing to compromise to reach an agreement. This doesn’t mean giving up everything you want; it means being flexible and considering creative solutions that benefit both parties.

Focus on Shared Goals 

Despite the disagreements, remember that you likely share a common goal: to finalize the divorce fairly and efficiently. Focus on this shared objective when negotiating to keep the process productive.

Consider Mediation

Mediation can be a valuable tool. A neutral third-party mediator facilitates communication and helps couples explore solutions that meet their individual needs while remaining fair. Mediation can be significantly less expensive than litigation and can lead to a more amicable resolution.

The Role of a Law Office for Divorce

Even with the best intentions, some couples are unable to reach an agreement on their own. If negotiations reach a stalemate, a divorce lawyer can play a crucial role in protecting your rights and advocating for your best interests.

Here are some of the benefits of hiring a divorce lawyer:

  • Legal Knowledge: An experienced divorce lawyer can provide invaluable legal guidance. He or she will understand the complexities of divorce law and can ensure your agreement complies with all state regulations.
  • Negotiation Skills: Lawyers are skilled negotiators. They can represent you effectively in discussions with your spouse’s lawyer, working to secure a fair and equitable outcome.
  • Protecting Your Rights: A lawyer can ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process. They will review any proposed agreements carefully and advise you on any consequences before you sign.
  • Representation in Court: If mediation or negotiation fails, your lawyer will represent you in court, presenting your case effectively and fighting for your interests.

Moving Forward After a Contested Divorce

Even if your divorce is contested, moving forward is possible. 

Here are some tips for navigating the aftermath of a contested divorce:

Prioritize Emotional Well-Being 

Divorce is a stressful experience. Seek emotional support from friends, family, or a therapist. Focus on self-care activities that promote your mental and physical health.

Focus on the Future

While it’s important to process the emotions surrounding the divorce, don’t dwell on the past. Allow yourself to grieve the end of the marriage, but then shift your focus towards building a positive future for yourself.


If you have children, prioritize their well-being. Develop a co-parenting plan that minimizes conflict and ensures your children feel secure and loved by both parents.

Seek Legal Guidance for Ongoing Issues

Even after the divorce is finalized, issues regarding child custody, support, or property division may arise. Consulting with a lawyer can help navigate these situations and ensure your rights are protected.

Divorce is rarely a smooth process. When you and your spouse cannot agree on all terms, there are options available. By exploring negotiation strategies, seeking mediation, and considering the valuable role a divorce lawyer can play, you can navigate the complexities of a contested divorce and reach a resolution that allows you to move forward with your life. With the right support and guidance, you can emerge stronger and build a brighter future for yourself and your family.


Chukwuka Ubani is a passionate writer, he loves writing about people and he is a student of Computer Engineering. His favorite book is Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

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